Day 19 - Sightseeing in Eskilstuna

Eskilstuna is a small city (about 100.00 inhabitants?). It's name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monk Saint Eskil. Its a nice and calm city and here I was able to look more at the Swedish way of leaving (and surviving this days where at about 4/4.30 PM the light fades away).

We went toghether to the supermarket and following my advice we bough dinner. I was told where things were in the kitchen and cooked a Spaghetti Bolognese my way (lots of onions and not that much tomato). It was a nice feeling to cook in an unknown kitchen for an unknown friend :)
I was able to ride heavy old machines hehe :)

One of the traditional dishes here is a onion soap and pancakes. I had to have it :)

In the end of the day we had some drinks at a local bar (nice music by the way).

Then we went home and talked for long hours. We saw some Japanese manga series. I think we only stopped when one of us noticed it were 6AM already .. ups. I must say I only had apple juice all the night long. I don't want to be rude but some others have to start thinking on their health. Living like this won't be good. Check the trash can for example:
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