Day 21 - Crazy day in Copenhagen
The day did not start in a bad way.

It started with a breakfast at the train station and a lot of sightseeing between 6 AM and 11 AM.

The problem was that to take some pictures I had to run to be on them. This was not that good because eventually my pants had a whole between my legs and this whole was getting bigger and bigger. I could not change pants because I had left my bag pack in the lockers in the train station. Was one of this things I usually call "Big bad luck / Granda azar". I remember I friend of mine once called me David Azarão because of one of this things.

Then I met two Portuguese that will be working for 9 months in a danish biotech startup company. Thanks Ines for the company and help to find a cheap place for lunch The food was very good.
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